We offer a variety of care packages for your loved one
Loving Hands Partners In Care provides a range of tailored packages to meet the unique needs of your loved ones. Our services cater to individuals with disabilities as well as seniors who may require additional support and attention. LHPIC has experienced significant growth each year, consistently assisting clients in both Calgary and Airdrie, Alberta.
We’ll sit with you one one-on-one to discuss the future.
We will collaborate with the participant, their family, and current support network to develop a tailored support package that meets your needs. This may include options such as attending a specific activity or program on a drop-in basis, or full-time enrollment to concentrate on a specific focus area.
Innovation For Independence
Loving Hands Partners In Care is now fully accredited with a designation for complex needs. We accept PDD contracts, FMS contracts, FSDC contracts, Private Contracts and are a proud member of the Alberta Council of Disability Services (ACDS) and Community Service Provider Council of Calgary (CRSPCC).
Our Organizational Culture
Inclusion, social interaction, laugh, care, love, transform lives