✅Innovation For Independance

“Enriching The Lives Of The People We Serve”

We offer a variety of care packages for your loved one

Loving Hands Partners In Care provides a range of tailored packages to meet the unique needs of your loved ones. Our services cater to individuals with disabilities as well as seniors who may require additional support and attention. LHPIC has experienced significant growth each year, consistently assisting clients in both Calgary and Airdrie, Alberta.

We’ll sit with you one one-on-one to discuss the future.

We will collaborate with the participant, their family, and current support network to develop a tailored support package that meets your needs. This may include options such as attending a specific activity or program on a drop-in basis, or full-time enrollment to concentrate on a specific focus area.

Innovation For Independence

Loving Hands Partners In Care is now fully accredited with a designation for complex needs. We accept PDD contracts, FMS contracts, FSDC contracts, Private Contracts and are a proud member of the Alberta Council of Disability Services (ACDS) and Community Service Provider Council of Calgary (CRSPCC).

Our Organizational Culture

Inclusion, social interaction, laugh, care, love, transform lives

Alison Stratton

Loving Hands is truly an amazing day program, where you can have fun, explore, learn and make friends in a comfortable, relaxing and supportive environment. I took my client three times a week and he absolutely loved it. The staff are especially kind, caring and compassionate. 

Krista Miller

So much FUN!! Bingo, swimming, bowling, cooking, dancing, pot lucks, karaoke, yoga, crafts, fieldtrips… An energetic place with caring, dedicated, awesome staff who have provided my loved one with joyful days of learning, entertainment, & inclusion. Loving Hands has been exceptional for us!

Thaddeus Drabick

It’s very challenging to find good consistent care for a family member that is severely disabled. Loving Hands is the real deal; the owners are compassionate, professional and understanding. Very highly recommended.

Rhonda Clark

This has been a very open, welcoming and supportive program for my son to attend. The range of activities (yoga, bowling, karaoke, arts, woodworking, baking, Spanish, music, etc) is just excellent! The programming changes every few months to keep things interesting and stimulating.


We are lucky to have an organization like Loving Hands. It’s an amazing place that offers so much to the seniors and people with disabilities. All their programs offer great opportunities for the participants to explore and express. It truly is a wonderful place to be. 

Heather Doyle


Ana Diaz

Program Manager

Tanya Bastarache

Director of Operations

Cristie Aschenbrener

Book Keeper

Christian Estorba

Senior Team Lead